A western practice was witnessed as Buhari won most of the elections even from the christian areas. And the victory of a muslem man does not represent the victory of Islamic governance in Nigeria as most of the skeptical muslem clerics thinks about making the country a one islamic state capable of standing on its own. On the contrary, Buhari is associated with an earlier period in Nigerian history when the army was relatively well paid and respected. He ran the country in the early 1980s along dictatorial lines, for sure. But, he also run the war against indiscipline in which civil servants those days who fail to come to work on time are penalized by doing frog jump. And the 4120 politicians, if caught are reminded to prison custody immediately. Latter he was removed in a coupe and probably left with out having achieved anything as most corrupt Nigerian politicians do.
Now he has won the presidency promising to
tackle those intertwined problems of Boko Haram and corruption. Get the
army functioning properly again, Nigerians hope, and it will be able to
drive back the fundamentalists.
has his critics, many of whom charge him with misrepresenting his CV
and being a closet authoritarian. But they cannot deny that he has won
this historic victory because he has touched a chord with a people
exhausted by years of misrule.
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