Saturday 12 December 2015

OVER 187 PEOPLE KILLED IN BURUNDI; African Rulers, Power-Sucked Politicians.

Demonstrations against the third term bid by president Pierre Nkurunziza of Burundi claimed over 200 lives on friday.  Army spokesman Col. Gaspard Baratuza claimed that the civilians who were protesting was heavily armed with weapoons and about to attack the army installations when the army intervened and killed 87 of the attackers.According to him on the same Saturday he was interviewed, eight security agents, four from the army and four from police, also died in the fighting and 21 security officers were wounded. Baratuza said forces arrested 45 members of the unidentified group that attacked the military installations.

 But, the question now is, what happened to the over 30 bodies found lithered on the ground saturday the following day? Did the security agents abandoned them without including them as the dead individuals? Anyway, according to some eye witnesses, most dead victims were tired hands aback before being shot.
I think you should hear better from the Horses mouth:

 "I fear I can be killed like my friend yesterday, police came to search our house and by chance I escaped. If I had money, I would go buy a passport and flee," said Fidele Muyobera, 22, who works as household help.

 "Security forces searched houses and dragged out people and shot them, some with their hands tied behind their backs". This was made by an individual who doesn't want to be disclosed for security purpose. Then, what is the international body doing to bring peace back to the devastated Burundi? Much has to be done to stop political-power-sucked rulers in Africa.

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